April 06,
Placitas Open Space juniper/grassland with abundant bluebowls and Fendler's bladderpods
April 28,
Las Placitas hike required a redo since sunlight is essential.
Dragged Larry out three days later taking pretty much the same route and find the same flowering plants - a bit more more wildlife.
Dragged Larry out three days later taking pretty much the same route and find the same flowering plants - a bit more more wildlife.
5/01 Placitas Open Space
Agavaceaee (Agave family)
soapweed yucca Yucca glauca
Apiaceae (Parsley family)
Fendler's springparsley Cymopterus glomeratus
Asteraceae (Aster family)
woolly marigold, desert marigold Baileya multiradiata
baby aster Chaetopappa ericoides
Douglas' dustymaiden Chaenactis douglasii
fineleaf hymenopappus Hymenopappus filifolius var. lugens
slender goldenweed Machaeranthera gracilis
desertdandelion Malacothrix sonchoides
ash-grey blackfoot Melampodium leucanthum
Thymophylla acerosa pricklyleaf dogweed
Easterdaisy Townsendia sp.
Boraginaceae (Borage family)
thicksepal hiddenflower Cryptantha crassisepala
cupseeded stickseed Lappula occidentalis
Brassicaceae (Mustard family)
spectacle pod, touristplant Dimorphocarpa wislizeni
Fendler’s bladderpod Lesquerella fendleri
Ephedraceae (Mormon-tea family)
Torrey's jointfir Ephedra torreyana
Fabaceae (Pea family)
wooly locoweed Astragalus mollissimus
indigobush, featherplume Dalea formosa
James' holdback Pomaria jamesii
Hydrophyllaceae (Waterleaf family)
bristly nama Nama hispidum
scorpionweed Phacelia sp.
scorpionweed, gypsum phacelia Phacelia integrifolia
Linaceae (Flax family)
Chihuahuan flax Linum vernale
Malvaceae (Mallow family)
scaly globemallow Sphaeralcea leptophylla
Nyctaginaceae (Four o'clock family)
snowball sandverbena Abronia fragrans
trailing windmills Allionia incarnata
Onagraceae (Evening Primrose family)
Hartweg's sundrops Calylophus hartwegii
scarlet gaura, scarlet beeblossom Gaura coccinea
prairie evening primrose Oenothera albicaulis
tufted evening primrose Oenothera caespitosa
Plantaginaceae (Plaintan family)
woolly plantian Plantago patagonica
Polemoniaceae (Phlox family)
bluebowls Giliastrum rigidulum
blue trumpets Ipomopsis longiflora
dwarf skyrocket, dwarf ipomopsis Ipomopsis pumila
Polygalaceae (Milkwort family)
white milkwort Polygala alba
Polygonaceae (Buckwheat family)
roundleaf buckwheat Eriogonum rotundifolium
Rosaceae (Rose family)
Apache plume Fallugia paradoxa
Rubiaceae (Madder family)
red bluet Houstonia rubra
Scrophulariaceae (Figwort family)
southwestern paintbrush Castilleja integra
trailing windmills Allionia incarnata |
woolly marigold, desert marigold Baileya multiradiata |
roundleaf buckwheat Eriogonum rotundifolium |
red bluet Houstonia rubra |
scaly globemallow Sphaeralcea leptophylla |
white milkwort Polygala alba |
Hi Lenore,
ReplyDeleteAt my museum class today tomorrow and saturday we are learning about herp 'sign' -- what reptiles and amphibians leave behind. Seems like you didn't need their sign, rather you got to see them in person. You were very close to that diamond back - but is it a bull snake?
Also, have to say how well the top photo, showing distance, goes with the snake photo, form-wise.